Monday, May 20, 2024

Mo on AI


In the past. Mo was all for AI now he is saying to beware of it!! He just follows the main stream.
Or, he was speaking ignorantly before, basing his opinion on desire, rather than reality, like Techno Optimists tend to do. And now he sees the writing on the wall. You know, super alignment being impossible and whatnot lol.


1 comment:

nige said...

0 seconds ago
interesting, around 8 minutes he mentions that in future instead of online dating or being groomed by a human being pretending to be someone else , we might be chatting online to an Ai virtual person with intelligence 1bn times greater than any living person. then a moment later Purpose is mentioned and loss of jobs , 60% of code on github being Ai generated, and that we have defined our purpose as " going to work " ( wow )

0 seconds ago
at 8 mins, " there is a lot wrong with the human value set .... " :-)