pics from the schubert concert in peters kirche, swimming at amelienbad, the very first "english room / box of books " in action!, and charles with dolls house...
Summer 2012 I was wondering what my purpose is, and set an intention to spend the rest of my life travelling the world spreading happiness. This based on work in happiness field since 2006. Alongside this, to make it sustainable, I am a multi project manager and offer happiness coaching, strategy mentoring and English training.
One of my passions is EDUCATION and I am steadily moving in that area to create more access to affordable exciting blended learning by combining access to internet based education and a network of fantastic trainers ( under the branding The Learning Street – ” building community based education on the street” ). I had an early experience in Moedling, happiest city on earth, setting up a library and computer room. Vision now is remotely managed popup and permanent learning rooms with access to a lifelong learning portal for members / with a lifelong personal learning mentor for members too.