Sunday, April 26, 2020



when we heal our selves we will heal the entire world ❤️

when we are each and all at peace, there will be will peace. at peace, not "laid to rest"



Scott Berger
5 hrs
We have all been asleep! It is now time to wake up 🙏🏻 We have to finally understand to look from within to find the answers we are seeking, versus the external. The answer is Unconditional Love. We must truly love ourselves first in order to truly love another, Tikun Olam , when we heal our selves we will heal the entire world ❤️
  • Nigel Stonham Q - from Nigel to GK - What is your biggest fear ( circa 2007 ) ....... A - That Mankind will destroy the world ........ Nigel - Hmm, I do not think Mankind has that power, mankind may well destroy mankind, but I think the world will still be here in a million years...
    • Scott Berger Nigel Stonham I TRUST the journey, there is no fear. If the world could truly understand who is standing by their side, they would live fearlessly 🙏🏻❤️ we are all being guided 🙏🏻
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  • Nigel Stonham Q - from Nigel to E, (c 2007) What is your biggest fear? ..... A - silence for two minutes... Nigel - silence ... .. some 2 years later reading a book " the spiritualit in business or similar that i had had but not read, the last page Scott Berger, as you say, there is no fear. Then I understood.
  • Nigel Stonham I view my life as a river, flowing to the sea. the banks contain the flow, or spill over or change course as needed, but as one in the flow, I need not worry, since I will arrive ....
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