Wednesday, November 23, 2022

FAQ for The Learning Street Mentoring


FAQ - The Learning Street

Where is the one page google doc plan ?

Where is the facebook group you mention ?

What skills would be optimal for a coach to have?
- This program is not really about "coaching". SI coaches have a wide range of skill sets and experience and it is felt all inputs would be useful. The program is also designed to be "led" by parents, teachers, university students, retired people, mothers awake at 3am after a feed wishing to contribute for half an hour. Skills suggested of use are ability to read, use facebook, ask questions, to be open and perhaps even to be a Dialectical Thinker.

What is the time commitment?
- there is absolutely no commitment required. I am a professionally trained and experienced salesman. With an MBA. I do nothing, lots of it. I need nothing. I seek nothing. If you wish to be involved I believe you will have fun, and receive rewards, and thus wish to engage more, to the amount of time you feel able to offer. I also feel confident that it will enhance your skills and experience to benefit your core business. 

Is this about social change? 
- I have said it's about social engineering. Social design. There is a masters degree program in Vienna called Social Design that I intend to apply for. AHA! - YES - if we all change, society will change. ( keep the answers simple nigel ) 

Who is running the 90-min meetings?
- The 90 minute meetings for co-learning are designed for members of The Learning Street in groups of 12. I have asked Albert at Slumcode in Nairobi to offer a 90 minute slot once a week to start. Pascal also in Kakuma Camp. Alie in Freetown at a cafe on Lumley Beach. Juliet at her academy in Kampala. Jonathan has offered space in Nakivale Camp Uganda at his school after the kids leave. George is looking for a suitable place in Monrovia. and so on. I have also  asked Wanjira in Kakuma Town if we might set up a space in her garden. Jeff is keen to use his building in Kitui as a local learning space. Denis has space at his baseball5 field in Kenya. The intention is a warm space with fast internet, insteadof the BT kiosk on the street offering internet, or the Deutsche Telekom one, or the Sugar Mitra hole in the wall, offering one screen to the street kids on a wall. It is designed to be a learning group, with a nice team space, friends, and fast affordable reliable internet. 

What sort of SMART goals are they working towards?
- any of their choosing, clarified as "acceptable". ie legal, honest and truthful. Participants with shiny eyes are chosen. They are either already in "Happyland" or are willing to transition with or without guidance. Happyland is  a place where everyone and ever thing is happy. Happy in that case being a state, as in I am a happy person. I view the world as a happy person. I welcome others. I am open minded and growing.  Austria is cool, since there is a leisure centre 10 minutes north of Vienna called Happyland. 

What is your goal nigel?
- My goal here is to build happyland, as a state, and to invite people to come and live there, catching happiness from others if needed, supporting others as needed. Lost boys and lost girls are welcome, and it is intended that through positive activites their minds will be filled with self love and joy, so achieving a state of bliss. In this state they are at peace, and the sum of that is world peace. I talk of me being like a miss world but with an actual structured plan for the world peace that is talked of freely.

What does nigelstonhamcoaching offer and what is the process used?
- nigelstonham coaching offers happiness coaching english training and strateg mentoring. these are designed as openers for 80% of the population based on - would you like to increase your happiness from 7 to 8, your english from b1 to b2, your business turnover from 100 to 110? the next step is the same, please clarify your goal as a smart one, ie from 8 to 9 happiness by december 31st 2023, and please identify the top three objectives you feel would take you there. then offer the strategies you might follow and the daily tactics this week. nigelstonhamcoaching being available to clarify any unclear points, and to question the validity of some parts. 
- the vision is that all people are in groups of 10-12 with like minds, and that weekly reviews from all take place, as and when the members feel able, building collective wisdom and team camaraderie. 

Who is this process aimed at?
- target audience is 2bn people, 20% of the population

Is the process stable, tested and resilient?. Able to scale and survive?
- undergoing further testing now, inviting various bodies of people to test further. 

Is the process easy to understand?
- it is designed to be simple. It is designed best ( we feel ) to understand by participation and by reading the case study that is in process of production 

Is the process of value to anyone. ?
- its of value to me, and i am told i should be the change i want to see :-)

You say 2bn people. Where do you see the first movers taking advantage?
- unemployed people in Austria, developing their own job description to deliver in return for their "basic income" of benefits. Target is to run more sessions in AMS offices and their partner organisations who train and manage large numbers of people in order to get them off the unemployment numbers. 
- refugees in kakuma camp kenya, to offer outside mentoring and encouragment, for example Deepali in India who has experience of two continents to bring to African people
- erasmus students, offering a boot camp in entrepreneurship and one in creative industries in Vienna, based around a 7 days daily review of their life plans with industry arts sports visits in between, so Action, Discussion Reflection loop is formed , or RAD for short. ( fahrRAD = bicycle here ) 
- graduates with an interest in sales, their SMART goal to get a job in sales, through a 12 month sales internship supported by 12 companies, where 12 interns go for a month to each company TOGETHER, meaning there is a team, competition, and just one month of mgt overhead from the company of an intern group vs 12 months of an individual

What do you want us to do next please Nigel?
- I would like you to check out the one pager above and join the fb group also above. I would also like you to ask for further clarification on any points that are not clear

part ii

What membership terms are you offering?

- The Learning Street “Light” membership is designed to be 2 Units of Local Currency per month, and this is in pilot phase now.

Who do you see as the first 2000 members?
- 1000 clients of the AMS in Austria, 500 residents of Nakivale Camp, Uganda and 500 residents of Kakuma Camp, Kenya

What benefits are you offering members for that fee?
- Not all things of value have a price tag. Information is useful. One of the benefits of membership is an invitation to the OP4L platform, as well as an invitation to join
 a group of around 12 people with passion, who passively and actively mentor each other according to the GOST process, supported by a team of mentors, who in turn are supported by another team. The main benefit intended is a peer group of learners that is part of a wider global community. One might in 2023 follow a learning path in say Vienna, for example meeting for 4 hours per day in Pizzeria Mama Mia in Mariahilf, with a group of 12, who do 90 minutes focused study, have a midday meal, a chat over coffee, followed by a further 90 minutes study. Life might take you in 2024 to Freetown, where you integrate on the first day to a new group of learners on different paths, meeting together alternate weeks at say the Radisson Blu downtown and the Learning Space at the Beach Bar on Lumley Beach. Your remote mentor does not change over those two years, while your life might.
- mentoring, guidance, ease of use, inspiration and motivation and the knowledge that others around you are benefitting from community membership of The Learning Street and the Safe Learning Spaces being created for their education are the key benefits on offer. "Street based learning for street based kids."

You want to start right now?
1. Join the facebook group or the linkedin group for free.
2. Fill in a GOST document downloadable from the linkedin group
3. Apply for "Light" Membership by sharing your completed GOST in the linkedin group, and if accepted you will be allocated a mentor, a peer group, and invited to support the sustainability and growth of the program with the investment of 2 currency units - half of which are intended to be invested locally, and half intended for investment in other regions of the world.

Are there further costs?
- It is planned to offer events, for example Goal Mapping is in discussion. Some of these may have a fee, and some may be for members only. The membership fee is designed to be affordable, easy to pay, and non recurring ( meaning you do not have to cancel it to stop paying )  You may monthly, or preferably quarterly or annually, and are able to take up member offers during the months you are paying. 

Are you hiding anything?
- We do not believe so

Is this a reglion or cult ?
- We do not believe so.

How might I progress from mentee to mentor to team leader ?
- Try it out, come in and find out !

- because we feel we can, and we have a desire to do so, and we feel the timing is right

How do we pay please?
- Intention is to pay your 24 euros annual fee, or parts thereof, in Euro zone by IBAN to  "MUTTER und KINDBetreuungsverein (MKV) (Sprachzentrum Columbus) ... 1100 Wien. Other people or organisations are welcome to make payment on your behalf. You may invest in someones future , either naming them directly or stating for example  "I would like to pay membership fees for one month for 1000 refugees in Nakivale Camp" ( 2.000 Ugandan Shilling equals
0,50 Euro ) of course we would prefer your Euro Payment of 1000 euros for that.

What is your legal structure please ?
"MUTTER und KINDBetreuungsverein (MKV) (Sprachzentrum Columbus) ... 1100 Wien. is a legal entitiy
The Learning Street is a brand ( under that verein ? )

legal speak
data protection
other things required  in Austria - already done on MKV ?

what’s the vision?
- being a key delivery partner for SDG4 Education Education Education by providing Location Location Location

in happiness with love for peace

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